This is a timeline of various political, legal, military, social, economic and environmental events that have occurred in Southern Europe that are relevant to libertarian socialism.
- 3000BCE: The Minoan Crete Civilization is formed and holds a large, functioning mutualist economy. It is also the first modern civilization in Europe and held the largest cities in the world.
- 594BCE: The Athenian Polis is formed, one of the most widely known attempts at direct democracy and environmental protection.
- 1936: The Spanish Civil War begins, leading to the CNT-FAI and Spanish working class and peasants organizing the anarcho-syndicalist Spanish Revolution.
- 1973: The Athens Polytechnic Uprising occurs, leading to the fall of Greece's fascist military dictatorship and the creation of a social democracy.
- 1974: The Carnation Revolution begins in Portugal, leading to the fall of the fascist military dictatorship and creation of a progressive democracy, the end of the last European colonial empire (as the colonies of Mozambique, Timor-Leste, Sao Tome and Principe, Equatorial Guinea are all granted independence) and the formation of hundreds of workers' councils.
- 1975: The Second Spanish Revolution begins, as the fascist military dictatorship is destroyed, a progressive social democracy is created and hundreds of workers' councils are formed.
- 2003: The insurrectionary group 'Revolutionary Struggle' is founded in Greece.
- 2008: Greek Insurrection
- 2012: The 15N or Indignados movement begins in Spain.
See Also
- Timeline of Libertarian Socialism
- Timeline of Libertarian Socialism in North America
- Timeline of Libertarian Socialism in Central America
- Timeline of Libertarian Socialism in the Caribbean
- Timeline of Libertarian Socialism in South America
- Timeline of Libertarian Socialism in Western Europe
- Timeline of Libertarian Socialism in Northern Europe
- Timeline of Libertarian Socialism in Eastern Europe
- Timeline of Libertarian Socialism in Northern Africa
- Timeline of Libertarian Socialism in Western Africa
- Timeline of Libertarian Socialism in Middle Africa
- Timeline of Libertarian Socialism in Eastern Africa
- Timeline of Libertarian Socialism in Southern Africa
- Timeline of Libertarian Socialism in Western Asia
- Timeline of Libertarian Socialism in Southern Asia
- Timeline of Libertarian Socialism in Eastern Asia
- Timeline of Libertarian Socialism in Southeast Asia
- Timeline of Libertarian Socialism in Oceania