(Redirected from Timeline of Libertarian Socialism in Western Asia)
This is a timeline of various political, legal, military, social, economic and environmental events that have occurred in Western Asia (an area including the states of Turkey, Syria, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan) that are relevant to anarchism.
- 7500BCE: Catal Huyuk created (now Turkey)
- 7200BCE: Çayönü Tepesi created (now Turkey)
- 1907: Iranian General Strike
- 1909: Kibbutz founded. (now Israel)
- 1921: Moshav founded. (Modern Israel)
- 1973: Workers' Liberation Group founded (Iraq)
- 2010 - 2012: Arab Spring
- 2011: Jordan
- 2011: Omani Uprising
- 2011: Syrian Revolution
- 2011: Yemeni Revolution
- 2011: Iraqi Uprising
- 2011: Bahrain
- 2011: Kuwait
- 2011: Lebanon
- 2011: Saudi Arabian Uprising
- 2012: Rojava Revolution
- 2013: Gezi Park Uprising (Turkey)
- 2018 - 2020: Second Arab Spring
- 2018: Jordanian General Strike
- 2018: Iraq
- 2019: Palestine
- 2019: Lebanon
See Also Edit
- Timeline of Anarchism
- Timeline of Anarchism in North America
- Timeline of Anarchism in Central America
- Timeline of Anarchism in the Caribbean
- Timeline of Anarchism in South America
- Timeline of Anarchism in Northern Europe
- Timeline of Anarchism in Western Europe
- Timeline of Anarchism in Southern Europe
- Timeline of Anarchism in Eastern Europe
- Timeline of Anarchism in Northern Africa
- Timeline of Anarchism in Western Africa
- Timeline of Anarchism in Middle Africa
- Timeline of Anarchism in Eastern Africa
- Timeline of Anarchism in Southern Africa
- Timeline of Anarchism in Northern Asia
- Timeline of Anarchism in Southern Asia
- Timeline of Anarchism in Eastern Asia
- Timeline of Anarchism in Southeast Asia
- Timeline of Anarchism in Oceania