A timeline of indigenist actions and actions by indigenous protesters.
- 1936: Torre Straits Islander maritime strike.
- 1943: Maasina Ruru
- 1943: Aboriginal Australian soldiers
- 1946: Pilbara Strike
- 1965: Australian civil rights movement.
- 1966: Gurindji Strike.
- 1969: Indigenist resistance to the Stroessner Regime in Paraguay begins.
- 1971: The Aboriginal Tent Embassy is founded in Canberra, Australia.
- 1972: The James Bay Anti-Dam Campaign is led by Indigenous Cree in Canada.
- 1977: The Xapuri Forest Campaign in Brazil sees heavy support from indigenous people.
- 1990: The Oka Uprising begins in Canada, as indigenous Mohawk organise an armed standoff with police and later the military to prevent the illegal demolition of indigenous land for the expansion of a golf course.
- 1994: The Zapatista Revolution begins in Mexico, as indigenous people in the south organise resistance to the state, leading to the formation of an autonomous network of communities governed on indigenous principles. This leads to the beginning of a neo-colonial war, the Chiapas Conflict.
- 1997: The Mapuche Uprising begins in Chile, as indigenous Mapuche people begin to resist the destruction of their lands by mining, farming and logging corporations.
- 1999: Indigenous groups, fishers and environmentalists begin a successful campaign to stop the drilling of oil in the Talamanca region of Costa Rica.