James Herod is an anarchist author who writes about anarchist strategy in the context of the USA in the 2010s.
- Abolish the Stock Market
- A Brief Critique of Anarcho-Syndicalism
- Anarchist Revolutionary Strategy
- Anarchists Getting Ourselves Together
- Bob McKinney - In Memoriam
- Breaking Out of the Cage and Destroying Our Jailers
- Capitalists, Global Warming, and the Climate Justice Movement: Reflections on COP15
- The Conference on Money: A Response From an Onlooker
- Critical Thoughts on Consensus Decision Making
- Defeating Capitalists Quickly to Save the Earth
- A Goal and Strategy for Anarchy
- A Great Plains Association for Anarchy? A Proposal, with Discussion
- Interview about Liberated Guardian
- Is Greed All that's Wrong With Capitalism?
- Issues That Divide Anarchists in the United States
- Loss of Anti-Capitalism
- The Lucy Parsons Center
- Majority Rule
- Making Decisions Amongst Assemblies
- Max Stirner Bibliography
- May Day Talk
- Money: An Introductory Bibliography
- Notes on Building a Movement for Direct Democracy
- Palestine: The No-State Solution
- Peter Gelderloos Visits Boston: A Review of Anarchy Works
- Review: Lebowitz, The Socialist Alternative
- Review of Arrighi: The Long 20th Century
- Seeing the Inadequacies of the Strategy Proposals of the Anarchist Communist Federation (UK)
- Some Possible Topics for a Workshop on Anarchism
- A Stake, Not a Mistake: On Not Seeing the Enemy
- The Weakness of a Politics of Protest