Mauritius, officially the Republic of Mauritius is a liberal capitalist state located off the coast of Southern Africa near Madagascar and the Seychelles.
- Alongside Botswana, Mauritius is the only African country to have not experienced a dictatorship or civil war since independence.
- Mauritius scores among the highest in Africa for all quality of life indicators and is comparable to Western Europe or North America.
- Mauritius maintains a strong social democracy with free universal health care, free education up to tertiary level and free public transport for students, senior citizens, and the disabled.
- Mauritius is a successful multicultural, multilingual, multiethnic and multireligious society that has not seen riots or wars as a result of this.
Major Social Struggles
- 1937: Uba Strike
- 1971: Port Strikes
- 1975: Student Revolt
- 1999: Riots
- 2006: Abbatoir Strike