Workers' councils are organisations that govern industry or a municaplity made up of temporary and instantly revocable delegates elected in the region's workplaces. A variation is a soldiers' council, when the delegates are chosen amongst (mutinous) soldiers. A mix of workers and soldiers have also existed
Timeline of Workers' and Soldiers' Councils
- 1871: The Paris Commune in France is seen by some as a workers' council.
- 1917: Approximately 13 workers' councils are set up across cities and towns in the UK.
- 1918: Approximately 91 workers' councils are set up across cities and towns in Norway.
- 1919: 2,500 soldiers in Kantara, Egypt form a soldiers' council during a mutiny.
- 1919: Approximately 7 workers' councils are set up across cities in the USA.
- 1945: Tramworkers' form a workers' council during the Saigon Uprising.
- 1968: Workers' councils form across France during the May Events.
- 1973: Workers' councils begin forming in Chile.
- 1978: Workers' councils begin forming in Iran during the Iranian Revolution.