is a new* Social Network for people who aspire to live in a more liberated society. (*January 2021)
It has a facebook style format with long posts and a generic newsfeed but doesn't suffer from independent fact checkers, and analytics outside of the unavoidable snooping on things like videos posted by users from youtube and such like.
The "soc" part of the name stands for "Society" with the thing being that we would like to live in a more LIBerated SOCiety. Alot of Americans associate socialism with national socialism which is what early socialists described as bourgeousie socialism which was that the society wasn't so much a society but a cattle farm pretending to be constructed on the values of the cattle who were kepy in strict mental and/or physical confinement. I prefer the word "Societalism" to socialism since its easy to see why people would be offended at the promotion of "socialism" given how it has been bastardised to mean the very opposite of everyone having equality in fundamental rights. (IE The rights without which, not higher rights could be acquired.)
The websites address is [1] so come by, sign in, speak English and be in good company.