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Revision as of 14:35, 28 December 2023 by (talk) (Removed anti-communist nonsense. You "socialists" need to find a more relible source beyond Wikipedia for information on socialism.)


 <title source="title1">
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</image> <label>Label</label> <label>Label</label> </infobox> Marxism–Leninism is a communist ideology which represents the guiding revolutionary theory for the international proletariat. </image> <label>Performers</label> <label>Date</label> <label>Location</label> </infobox>

Data on Marxism-Leninism

  • Governments headed by a Marxist-Leninist vanguard party have consistently resulted in the introduction of proletarian democracy and dictatorship against the exploitive strata, massive economy growth and modernization, massive increases in education, access to healthcare, etc.