Libertarian Socialism is a political philosophy (a fancy way of saying 'plan to run society') that is the main focus of this wiki. It first emerged in 19th century Europe as split from the socialist movement arguing that the usual socialist comfort with authoritarianism would lead to disastrous results. Libertarian socialists began to argue that a decentralised and democratic system of self-governing communities was the best way to rid the world of capitalisms problems like pollution, poverty and alienation.
Main Principles of Libertarian Socialism
- Allowing people to control institutions relevant to them (ie their neighbourhood, school or workplace) via democratic assemblies and confederations.
- Focus on restorative and transformative justice.
- Creation of a culture emphasizing individuality, happiness, cooperation and social justice.
Main Article: History of Libertarian Socialism
It's been argued that libertarian socialism was the method of managing numerous ancient civilisations and emerged as a movement in early Christianity (and the many heretics of the middle ages) guilds, maroon communities, cooperatives and rebellious towns. But it became a self-aware, global philosophy in the 1800s, beginning in Western Europe and influencing several historical revolutions and becoming a guide to several new societies and new organisations.
- Isn't libertarian socialism an oxymoron?
- Why are you against the system?
- How would diplomacy work?
- How would defense work?
- How would crime be stopped?
- How would property work?
- How would work... work?
- How would the economy work?
- How would regulations work?
- How would education work?
- How would healthcare work?
- How would housing work?
- How would utilities work?
- How would transportation work?
- How would disaster response work?
- How would science work?
- How would environmental protection work?
- How would culture change?